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Year long project and flowers

It has been a few days since I have ended my year long project. This project was fun and exhilarating. Doing this year long project taught me that once I start something I should always see it through. Makes me more determined and attentive to projects or ideas that I have started.

Although, I have finished this project I still find myself looking for ways to make a flower and it also taught me to appreciate them even more than I did before. I never thought that I could commit myself to something like a year long project, much less committing myself to making one particular thing everyday and not get tired of that thing.

Doing such a project made me look at art, projects, flowers, and crafts in a whole new way. It taught me that the most ordinary objects can be turned into something it isn’t. The 365 Journal that I used throughout this whole project also opened me up to looking at ordinary things as art or supplies for art. This also pushed me to pick up a skill or two that I had never tried before and try it out.

I have ventured into wood burning, knitting, quilling, and many other art forms. It is never too late to pick up a new skill and excel at it. I am still going to continue to make flowers and post them here on this site. So please keep following for the Flower Aftermath.


Thank you to everyone who took this flower journey with me.

Leafy flower



Magnolia flower

Our magnolia tree bloomed it’s first flower this season.



Wild flower frenzy



Thought these were pretty so I wanted to share them. I love dandelions

Merit Badge and over my 100 day mark

So last night Zak took a walk with our dog to check the mail and when he came back, he had a little package for me. My awesome merit badge had come!

I can’t wait to finish my year long project so I can wear display it 🙂

Thank you so much Noah!

Now on with some more news. Today marks my 104th day of doing my flower project, which means I only have 261 days left until the end. I have had a lot of fun doing this project and I plan on doing another one when I am done with this one. At the start it was easy, but when I recently lost my job and money became tight I had to come with creative ways without spending a lot of money to make a flower. There are a lot of things I would still like to do and if I get a job before my project is over I will still do them. I had to really think outside the box with some of my flowers and find things around my apartment to use. But that is part of doing this project to try new things and keep the creative mind going.

Today’s flower will be up a little later.

My Merit Badge video

Noah is giving away some of the new 365 merit badges he was given. I submitted a video and will receive my badge in the mail soon.

Here is my video submission

You can see the other submissions at Noah’s site:

Also check out Nerd Merit Badges at:

I will have my flower for today up in a little bit.

Pun: A play on words

Today’s flower is made from flour.

Sneak Peek of my journal

This morning before I post my flower I thought I would share the side of my journal. This is a nice little sneak peek of my how I have been using my journal. This journal has given me a lot of ideas and inspiration throughout my flower making project. Sometimes if I get an idea I will note it ahead of time or right after I make my flower. I have also saved some of my flowers in between the pages. I have even used some of the ideas that are in the journal, sometimes I will read ideas ahead of time if I am in need of an idea or a muse for my next flower. These pictures are in no order.

I hope you enjoy.



In honor of my flower a day project

Last night Zak went to the store to pick up some coffee and when he came back he had this beautiful rose plant for me. Zak said that he thought of my flower a day project when he saw the plant and wanted to bring me some inspiration for my blog.



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